Is Zelda a Metroidvania?

I don’t play a lot of Zelda-likes or Metroidvanias so maybe this is a dumb question, but I’ve picked up Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King (which is basically A Link to the Past) and, like, I think it’s a Metroidvania?

Wikipedia explains Metroidvanias this way:

Metroidvania games generally feature a large interconnected world map the player can explore, though access to parts of the world is often limited by doors or other obstacles that can only be passed once the player has acquired special items, tools, weapons or abilities within the game. Acquiring such improvements can also aid the player in defeating more difficult enemies and locating shortcuts and secret areas, and often includes retracing one’s steps across the map. Through this, Metroidvania games include tighter integration of story and level design, careful design of levels and character controls to encourage exploration and experimentation, and a means for the player to become more invested in their player character. Metroidvania games typically are sidescrolling platformers, but can also include other genre types.

Until that very last sentence, I feel like pre-Breath of the Wild Zelda fits this description perfectly. Wikipedia even notes that Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (which is the source of the “-vania” in the name) was inspired in large part by Zelda! Is the difference really just top-down versus side-view?