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I don’t want a new console generation! I’m not done with this one.
0 CommentsTropes and Trolls: When the Game Is Not What You Think It Is
In games where the player character has a specific goal - save the Princess, escape the testing facility, defeat a nemesis - the player is presumed to share this goal. But even if the narrative does a good job lining up player motivations and character goals, there’s still a wrinkle. The character wants to accomplish something, and the player wants to experience accomplishing that thing. This is why we bother playing games at all, rather than just watching the endings on YouTube. If the player had the exact same motivations as the character, they’d cut whatever corners they could to beat the game as quickly as possible.
The humor in this video comes from the tension between Mario’s goals and the player’s goals. Of course Mario would want to just warp straight to the Princess and save her immediately. But for the player that would mean skipping the entire game, which would completely defeat the purpose of playing it in the first place. As long as Mario has that warp whistle in his inventory, there’s dissonance between what the player wants to do and what Mario would want to do.
So what happens when games create that dissonance on purpose?
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Game designers: If your game ever says “Unsaved data will be lost” you are doing it wrong. ESPECIALLY if there is no explicit save system.
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Too often lately: Beat awesome game. Feel good about game. Play more. Give up in disgust on poorly-designed trophies. Feel bad about game.
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#Enslaved is the dictionary definition of a Bad Good Game. I’m totally in love with it - I just wish it would stop sucking so much.
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I just reinstalled #cityofheroes since it’s free to play now. My level-cap main has been offline for sixteen hundred days.
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When Crono sleeps in, he’s late for the Millennial Fair. When I sleep in, Crono steals my job.
0 CommentsThe GameStop/OnLive Debacle: How I Like To Think It Happened
GameStop Underling: Huh. That’s interesting.
GameStop Boss: What is?
Underling: These Deus Ex: Human Revolution games Square Enix shipped us include a voucher for a free OnLive copy of the game. I don’t think they mentioned they were gonna do that.
Boss: What? OnLive? But we just bought our own digital delivery game service - Impulse! That makes OnLive our competitor!
Underling: I suppose it does.
Boss: We better open the boxes and remove the vouchers.
Underling: Wait, what?
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Judging videogames by length is like judging meals by weight.