Reviews by Rating


Five Stars: Favorite. This is one of my all-time favorite games that made a significant impact on me or that I've returned to time and again.


Four Stars: Great. Not only did I finish the game, I probably played through the whole thing again and/or completed any optional objectives. It's an easy recommendation for any genre fan.


Three Stars: Good. I liked the game enough to finish it (or just play it a bunch, for games that don't end). I recommend it to most genre fans.


Two Stars: Meh. The game has some merit - it probably held my attention for at least an hour or I came back to it for more than one play session. But there wasn't enough draw for me to stick with it for the long haul.


One Star: Not for me. While there might be someone out there who'd enjoy this game, I was actively repulsed by it or just found nothing to latch on to.


Zero Stars: Garbage. Flaws outweigh strengths to the point where I cannot possibly recommend the game to anyone.