Posts by Tag / GAME: Beat Hazard (2)


Score Forth and Multiply

Many games use numeric scores to rate your performance. In some, the same performance will always earn the same score; in others, there are permanent or equippable bonuses acquired over time that apply a multiplier to increase your score and the same performance will earn different scores depending on what multipliers are in effect.

I think the persistent score multipliers are almost always a bad idea as they decouple performance and feedback. I’ll explain.



Capsule Review: Beat Hazard

A twin-stick shooter that lets you play with your own music and where much of the experience is determined by the music. You play for the duration of the specified song, the field is essentially a visualizer, your weapons fire with more speed and power (but enemies also move faster) when the music is more intense, and enemy patterns (including bosses) are determined by the way the song flows over time.